The name “ConsortiumWeb” comes from the worldwide consortium of web developers and consultants who contribute to the technical and creative effort behind the solutions delivered by ConsortiumWeb. Using this approach, ConsortiumWeb is able to deliver applications that outperform those provided by our competitors.
Our people have always been early adopters in the web industry, playing major roles in development of custom database and web solutions for clients in such diverse industries as aviation, real estate and leisure.
Read what our clients are saying about us here.

Yean Lee
Born in the year IBM released the first Personal Computer, Yean has always had a keen natural interest in technology. After years of building hobby websites, he launched his first client’s website in 2000. Since then, Yean’s interest has zeroed-in on developing the ConsortiumWeb concept using a wealth of knowledge and contacts built up over the years.
Some important qualifications:
- Bachelor of Biotechnology with First Class Honours, researching the nano-scale surface modification of implantable biodegradable materials which are poised for use in soft tissue (breast, liver, kidney etc) regeneration.
- Certificate IV in Small Business Management
- 3 years as principal developer, eBusiness Strategies Pty Ltd
In addition to running the show, Yean also initiates and coordinates strategic alliances with significant members of various industries. Together, we develop high value applications that will drive these industries into the 21st century.
He also operates a bit faster than that first IBM PC.